It starts with a need for staff. A shift comes open and you have to fill it. But then, census drops, an internal staff person picked up the shift, or you simply no longer have the need. Even though the need is gone, the order is still open or pending and you let it go.
Multiply that by a few dozen or few hundred shifts and all of a sudden, you have a problem.
Sure, it may seem easier to leave an order “as is” if you no longer have the need but here are three eye opening reasons why you should not leave orders in open or pending status.
1. Accurate Reporting
If you leave orders open/pending that are not true needs, this effects your fill rates when running performance reports in ShiftWise. Why is this important? There are a few reasons:
- Performance reports are used to determine fill rates and evaluate overall supplier performance.
- Results of the reports are used to determine if additional suppliers are needed.
- When orders are left open or pending this indicates staff may be needed for a specific area that your current suppliers could not fill.
- Valuable time is spent onboarding additional suppliers when the order volume does not support.
In short, you’re not getting the full value of a VMS when you the data integrity is eroded.
2. HDO / Supplier Staff Recruitment
Health systems and suppliers can use reports as a guide when recruiting staff. They can see that certain positions may be better off with a full-time employee. If orders that should have been cancelled are left open or pending, this generates false information to recruiters. Only leave orders that are true needs in open or pending status so recruiters efficiently utilize their time without wasting precious health system resources.
3. Supplier Phone Calls
Put an end to calls from suppliers contacting you to find if the order is still a current need. If you get in the habit of canceling orders that are truly no longer needed, suppliers will rely on what is open and pending in ShiftWise rather than calling for the current status of your orders. This also develops good relationships with suppliers when they know they can count on you and ShiftWise to give them an accurate snapshot of what your needs truly are. They will feel confident the time they spend sourcing candidates is time well spent and you will have more time for important daily tasks.